I still don't get it... what is this thing?

This tool is a philosopher's stone for high-level marketing. It performs real-time (web-crawling) research 24/7 on behalf of your brand and then gives you a drag-and-drop interface to brainstorm endless, thoughtful, omni-channel content campaigns. Think of it like Photoshop or Canva, but for coming up with endless ideas. Why would you subscribe to this? Because LLMs are extraordinarily powerful for their ability to instantly reduce, combine, and synthesize information creatively while image models like Midjourney are especially powerful at taking that information and turning it into images... So why not combine them and then automate the process?

What problem does this solve?

Good marketing strategy, creative concepting, and content drafting is f*ckin hard and needlessly time-consuming . Why sit and spend hours coming up with ideas when you can just come to Wiccad and click a button? It's all right here.

Is this free to try? Do I need a credit card?

Yes, it's free to try and no, you don't need a credit card. In fact, you'll have your first brand profile and campaign concept waiting for you when you register.

So, what actually happens when I sign up?
    Yes, the nitty-gritty. There's an AI Agency that lives inside this application. After you sign up and each time you click the magic button inside, here's a brief overview of what that AI Agency does behind-the-scenes, step-by-step:

  1. 1
    We use the basic details you provide in your registration to deploy a high-volume web crawler and call various APIs to parse tens of thousands of sites and links to for in-depth information about your brand, your competitors, and your industry. We reduce this information to deconstruct your brand and prepare a brand profile that will be used as the basis for concepting. We dive down into your brand's history, your competitors, your industry, your audience, your community, your sub-cultures, cliches, stereotypes, subtext, social nuances, archetypes, semiotics, and more.
  2. 3
    The Strategist uses the profile to create a strategy using some added features (see below), targets a specific audience or subculture from the profile and identifies a key consumer problem to solve for that group.
  3. 4
    The Strategist agent collaborates with the Creative Director and the Media Buyer to concept multiple campaign ideas that fit the strategy and solve the problem. For example, the creative concept might involve posting a video on YouTube, then embedding a portion of the transcript in a blog post, then sharing the linked blog post on LinkedIn, then sharing the LinkedIn post on Twitter as a šŸ§µtweet-thread, etc. Sometimes campaigns are designed with complex, cross-platform interactivity (for example, scavenger hunts, "choose your own adventure" style stories, or "follow the white rabbit" type campaigns)
  4. 5
    The Copywriter & SEO Manager agents are given the most recent content marketing and SEM/SEO data so they can develop a modern copy-plan that includes long-tailed keywords, phrases, commonly searched question wordings, competitor search terms, multiple headline ideas, a tone & voice guide that fits the strategy along with any nuances specific to each platform. Then the Copywriter writes & then refines the copy.
  5. 6
    The Producer, Designer, Photographer, & Director of Photography use the refined copy and strategy to collaborate on a cohesive visual concept and then creates the visual assets by writing specialized prompts that get sent to Midjourney for production.
  6. 7
    Finally, you're delivered a complete, omni-channel content kit that contains blog posts, rich-html or markdown formatted articles with images (your pick), facebook/linkedin/instagram posts, UGC script ideas, podcasts, novellas, emails, et. al. Create for just 1 platform or channel, or all of them; It's up to you. It's just one click away, either way.
What is this "AI Agency"?

That's that voodoo magic . The special sauce, so-to-speak. The "AI Agency" is a recreation of a real creative agency in AI code, complete with roles, skills, tasks, and guidelines for interaction. We have veteran copywriters, creative directors, designers, strategists, producers, you name it... all engaging and brainstorming. Everything that happens in the app is a result of the AI Agency's collaboration.

Do you charge for the behind-the-scenes prompting? i.e. Text/words going into the API?

No (ish). It would be unfair to charge for prompts you didn't write yourself or can't see, particularly given how extensively we recursively "prompt" various models behind-the-scenes in order to get the best content. We eat that cost for you. Only words/text returned by the model are counted against your monthly limit except if you're using the chat feature and explicitly typing your own prompts to the models yourself.

What do you mean by, "images generated in all aspect ratios?"

Different online platforms require different aspect ratios for images. For example, Instagram likes 1:1, Facebook likes 16:9, Twitter likes 2:1, etc. We generate each image separately with respect to each aspect ratio so your images not only fit physically into the space, but fit aethetically because each is generated specifically for that A:R.

Another benefit is that you can take your images to a proper editor without you or them having to deal with resizing and prepping the images for each platform.

You meantioned "features"... what else you got?

Yes, features. One core feature is a library of dozens of specific Literary Devices, Storytelling Tools, Psychological Research Principles (for advertising/marketing), and Execution Tactics. These are elements that great agencies, copywriters, et. al. combine to create great content. We provide you with these built-in so you can mix and match any combination and create content that's not only optimized for each platform, but also combines good practices and advanced tactics.

What about copywritability?

It's an open discussion globally with no clear guidelines. We are not lawyers, however the Copyright Office in the United States recently said they will not...

"...register works produced by a machine or mere mechanical process that operates randomly or automatically without any creative input or intervention from a human author."

There's a lot to parse there, but the word "any" seems to imply that as long as you replace "any" number of words with synonyms, or perhaps rephrase even a single sentence, you are the de facto author of the copy since you have provided the necessary "creative input or intervention" per the US Copywrite Office.